Today's Pearl: The Mother of Pearl (Live Video)

January 10th 2020

Today's Pearl

The Mother of Pearl (Live Video)

As I was working on a writing project for a client, I found myself getting very irritated by all of the back and forth miscommunications that were causing me to do what I thought was "extra work."

Working with clients can be a challenge because we want to please them, and at the same time be efficient without trying to guess what they want. This process can definately be a challenge due to technology and communication.  

But in my eagerness to make a pearl here (turn my complaint around). I began to realize that none of my work went in vain. Even things I had to repeat got easier the 2nd time around, and I discovered new ways of creating what I needed. Like the saying " necessity is the mother of invention."  I think necessity is the mother of a pearl.

xxoo Rebecca


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