Love Letter #10 Love can be messy....

Ever experienced messy love? A failed expectation? A disappointment that left you empty and dry?

Would we leave our beloved in a dirty diaper? No, we'd handle it...

We cradle a beloved during a tantrum, knowing that this too shall pass.

No one ever promised us that LOVE would be easy or perfect.  If they did, they didn't quite understand love.

True love has dips and dives, like the ebb and flow of the elements: fire, air water, earth.   Love can flow, pause or stop without warning.

How prepared are we to navigate love? Like gravity, the force is there, always present, but not always appreciated and sometimes unwelcome.  Not always good news.

Our moods can't always be upbeat or shiny.  Our hearts have the capacity for the full spectrum of emotion.  What if even in the midst of deep pain and trauma, somehow keeping our faith with love is showing us the way?

What if gravity = love?  The movie Interstellar explores that idea. What if gravity were love? Go check it out if you haven't seen it yet. (this clip says it all)

The mystery continues as ALL WAYS.

I love you, and love that gravity keeps your body here on earth, so I can give you a hug the next time I see you.




  1. It sure would be easier if love came with a GPS to help navigate the roads we have to take. Enjoyed your take on it though!


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