Love Letter #16 Melting down...

Last weeks poem "Cracked Up...signified the beauty of imperfection which inspired me to explore the emotions of sadness and joy as a path to deeper love with oneself and others.  

We tend to avoid sadness, or even deep joy. Tears of sadness or joy are profound, cleansing and restorative when we allow them to flow in our body and not get captivated by the drama of the story.

Of course we all want to seem "put together" look good, solid (ice) - heaven forbid anyone see us melt down, BUT what if we honored ourselves and others during meltdowns? How much deeper could we love those in our lives we see suffering or joyful without judging or being envious of their joy?

I remember there have been times where I've seen someone going through a hard time (thinking they "should know better")and I thought to myself - I'm so glad I'm not them.

I've gone through hell myself and I'm sure have elicited the same reaction from others. Wow -  I'm really glad I don't have Rebecca's problems! It's taken some melting away of pride and shame to recover my ability to flow and trust and it's a process that is expansive.

Take a look at most kiddos. They melt down and move on. Ducks too, they have an issue with another duck and shake their feather, and then glide away with ease.
I want to honor this week with the idea of melting down and moving on.

My original poem of the week:

"Melt me"

Throw the ice
Judge me
Hate me

Make me bleed
break my heart

Break the 
love me
see me

melt away
my pride
my shame

i am the fire
of loves desire
the ice can't stand
my golden glow

hold my hand
so we can flow

xoxoxo - keep flowing on my raging rivers of love. Please take a moment to comment here: It means the world to me to know who is reading this and knowing my words are welcomed into your hearts.  


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