Love Lettter #14 Let's get physical...
Today's love letter is an ode to the miraculous function of the human physical body.
Thank you, Beloved nervous system, you keep breath flowing, you allow feeling, tasting, breathing, seeing, smelling, smiling, moving.
Thank you beloved eyes,so devotedly bringing images into perception, so powerfully interpreting the world,keeping stability while aligning with gravity's forces.
Thank you beloved skin, so loyally keeping organs and bones inside my body so I don't melt into oblivion.
Thank you beloved cells,so tirelessly recreating my organs in accordance with divine precision.
Thank you beloved gut, so intensely allowing the inflow and outflow that all my body ingests,communicating so effectively with my brain allowing it to navigate wisely through the world, bringing trust deeply into my soul.
Thank you beloved heart, your devotion has never missed a beat. Your unique song allowing my soul to connect with others while dancing in motion with passion and glory.
Beloved body, I'm sorry I take you for granted most of the time, and try to boss you around and deny your clues when you so graciously are giving my mind constant feedback about what you need when i listen.
I love you. I bless every inch of you. Thank you for keeping me alive so I can explore and experience all there is here on earth. Thank you for the gift of smiling, crying, feeling and knowing.
You were a gift from my parents and thank you mother and father for your gift so my soul can be present here for as long as my body chooses to be alive.
With all my love - from my fingers (typing), to your eyes (reading), to your soul (being here with me now).
xoxox - Rebecca
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