1-1-20 Daily Pearl Projects 1st BLOG POST - HIP HIP HOORAY

Happy New Year! Welcome 2020

Today's Pearl: January 1st 2020

My little sand blasts today was my SLOW running computer. I like to sprint with my fingers, and I expect the computer to keep up. Well, today the computer was SLOW.  ARG...sand balls of slowness was my complaint today. So how did I turn it around.  I realized that I had not eaten all day, and that even though I'd like to think I can function on coffee until 3PM, it's not very healthy. Nope. I think the sand balls of slowness helped me SLOW down and take some time to make and savor a little cheese pasta.

AND the cool thing was when I came back to the computer, my computer saavy friend coached me how to clean it up so it would run faster. So now as I type this, I can type and read at the same time with no delays, and I'm not a crabby pants cuz I didn't eat. So that's my pearl for today.

Can't wait to hear yours.



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