Today's Pearl is EXCEL lent.

January 3rd 2020-

Today's pearl is a doozy.  I really was feeling bent out of shape due to a recent house move. Moving always sucks. The mess, the boxes, the unsettling feelings, etc. etc. etc.  AND the $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Well, long story short I discovered that the woman I was sharing a home with RUINED the carpet and it needed to be replaced, thus leaving a major dent in MY pocket book because she flew the coop.  It's really not pursuing legally, but my delicate nervous system did get quite the shock after the bill.  So you ask, how is there a pearl here????

Here goes. I've been an intutitive budgeter for years. My fuel is intuition (not the best formula for math making.) That means I estimate everything in my head (and don't track well my spending), and when I log into my bank, I get scared almost because I have no idea what's in there. So this situation helped me get to an internal space where I get to make a real adult budget. Don't laugh please - My intuition runs my show. But now I needed to do something productive mature and logical . 

So in my minor tantrum state,  I opened an excel spreadsheet and made a budget as I watched a gorgeous sunset over the west hills of so cal.  I actually enjoyed it! A pearl made. I now have an actual bonified budget that's got formulas and everything in an excel spreadsheet pearl. 



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